Friday, December 16, 2011

All My Tomorrows

However many they may be, even if none, let's get busy thinking about our tomorrows.  The past, once we have atoned for it, should remain in the past.  It serves a wonderful purpose; it is the anchor in the question "where do I go from here?"  Just remember that in order to sail, you must first hoist the anchor.

It's the beauty of the Mass, and why it is far more meaningful than any new-age bible revival worship service can ever be.  The Mass has the unique quality of reliving a moment in history in real time.  Through the celebration of the eucharist, the real body and blood of Christ, the sacrifice is not just a point on a calendar but a living event, happening again right in front of us.  It is up to each of us to enter into it, or not.

When the readings and the Gospel and the psalm are interpreted by the homilist, we quite correctly ask ourselves, "what does this mean to me?" and "what am I going to do differently because of it?"  These are the two central questions asked and answered by Jesus' disciples every time he taught a lesson through the parable.

Entering into the mystery daily or at the very least, at weekly Mass allows us to ask and answer those questions anew, to look forward to all our tomorrows, no matter how many or few they may be.

What does it Christ saying to me?  What will the Holy Spirit guide me to do differently?  What does tomorrow bring?

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